Condition One Ready-Tactical LLC COR-TAC

Sharing Life Saving Tactical Skills

First of all

About Us

Discover life-saving tactical skills from a retired Marine Corps Recon Veteran who is dedicated to sharing his knowledge with fellow Americans. With certifications from the American Red Cross, National Rifle Association, and the United States Concealed Carry Association, you can trust our expertise.

Our Tactical Training Programs

Discover our comprehensive tactical training programs designed to empower individuals with the necessary skills to handle emergency situations. Our courses are led by a retired Marine Corps Recon Veteran and certified instructor with credentials from the American Red Cross, National Rifle Association, and the United States Concealed Carry Association.

Why Choose Condition One Ready-Tactical LLC?

At Condition One Ready-Tactical LLC COR-TAC, we pride ourselves on delivering top-notch tactical training that goes beyond the basics. With our experienced team and extensive credentials, we provide a unique learning experience that combines real-world expertise with cutting-edge techniques. Join us and become part of a community dedicated to personal safety and preparedness.

About Condition One Ready-Tactical LLC COR-TAC

Condition One Ready-Tactical LLC COR-TAC is a business founded by a retired Marine Corps Recon Veteran. Our mission is to share essential tactical skills with fellow Americans, empowering them to protect themselves and others. With certifications from ARC, NRA, and USCCA, our Certified Instructor is dedicated to providing high-quality training and education.

Empowering Americans with life-saving tactical skills

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